Minggu, 29 Juli 2012


hi all i also do not open the old blog, now I want to share to you all
I first met her my heart immediately felt something different if maybe this is the call of love.
there is no manifestation of his love guys, love can come anytime, anywhere and to anyone
all people must have had the name of love, heartache, broken love, and so on. but that's love .. no one can forbid that love comes
that's what happened to me now guys ..
What could I in love? but is this true love
 is it possible the person I love is also in love with me??
only time can answer all of these things
but to know love is also encouraging for us, as I now may the spirit of love of all families, friends, and perhaps also a man of one mind with me is a fellow lover of world music and live music.


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